Do you live in Georgia, and interested in term life insurance? If so, we can help! As an independent life insurance broker, we have access to almost 20 different term life insurance carriers. This allow us to offer a wide range of choices. Below is some information you may find helpful if you are considering level term life insurance.
What is Term Life Insurance?
Term life insurance, also called Level Term, is one of the most popular types of life insurance. One of the main reasons is because it can be extremely affordable, and offers a wide variety of coverage amounts. As the name implies, with most level term policies, both the death benefit as well as the monthly premium will remain the same (level) for a certain period of time (term).
How Long Can the Term last?
In the past, term periods have ranged from anywhere between 5 and 30 years, with the most common options being 10, 20, and 30 year terms. However, recently a number of carriers have been offer longer terms including both 35 and 40 years. For example, if you were to purchase a 20-Year level term life insurance policy with a $500,000 death benefit, and a $25/month premium, then the death benefit and monthly premium should both remain the same for the entire 20-Year period. This can provide a real sense of security and stability knowing that both the death benefit and payment amount are not going to change over the duration of the term.
What Situations is Term Life Insurance Good For?
Term life can be used for a number of different situations which can include;
- Income Replacement
- Paying for Final Expenses
- Debt Repayment
- Creating an inheritance
- Paying taxes, including estate taxes
- Business Continuity
Will I Need to Take a Medical Exam?
Whether or not you need to take a medical exam is going to depend on a number of factors. These may include which company you apply with, how much coverage you are applying for, and your age. If you are interested in obtaining term life insurance without a medical exam, contact us, as we have a number of companies that do not automatically require an exam.
What Information Is Needed to Get a Term Life Insurance Quote In Georgia?
In order to get a basic quote most companies will require your age, gender, nicotine usage as well as the amount of coverage and term length you are interested in. This can give you a general idea of the cost, but to get a more precise estimate there would be a few additional questions that would need to be answered.
Getting a term life insurance quote in Georgia is easy! Please feel free to contact us. You can call us at 404-781-9415, or use the form to the right to have one of our representatives contact you. As an independent life insurance agency and broker we represent a number of different insurance carriers, and work with clients throughout Georgia.